BitGoal – one token for all sport

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Many things become a problem in the sports arena. At present, the level of competition between fans of global sports is very low. In addition, competition for providers of services that are easily accessible and easy to use that are secure, transparent and fair to professional sports gamblers and casual sports are very few. Users who do not believe in the traditional sportsbook segment make users use services from shadow betting organizations or brokers. Players lose their money by becoming victims of this unfair ecosystem, even though they are potentially dictated by the bookmakers. This problem has not yet got a solution at this time, especially the problem of trust and costs. To revolutionize the sports arena, BitGoals became an important role in revolutionizing this.

Bitgoals is a blockchain and cryptocurrency based platform that will set the standard in the first sport. With a professional team, BitGoals can provide incentives for the sports industry. the most interesting thing and giving away from other similar platforms is that BitGoals can be a means of considering players in the industry who can collaborate well and harmoniously and share information and revenues. 

In the BitoGoals platform you will be presented with a sportsbook that is easy to use, secure and transparent with the aim of users being able to participate in activities regarding sports managed by professionals by cryptographically verifiable code. 

Some problems such as lack of data storage, long payments, high fees, long registration, and limits on the number of bets make BitGoals and STP (Sport Token Protocol) present to eliminate the problem. The Bitgoals platform has no fees charged to users regarding STP tokens (Sports Token Protocol). STP tokens can be used by users to place their bets, buy tickets, items or other features. In the BitGoals Platform you will be very easy to access and conduct sports betting, gambling and get offers provided by Bitgoals. This is because BitGoals uses the one-window (all-in-one) function as a platform. In essence, the STP token can be used by users on the Bitgoals platform as a betting currency, as a gaming and forms of payment. And get rewarded with STP.

The BitGoals platform has the advantages that you can enjoy:

  • Unlimited use of funds
  • Payments are almost instant
  • Guaranteed and professional security
  • Elimination of fraud risk
  • Speedy jackpot generation process
  • Registration is very easy to participate in the draw games, because everything can start with a single log in.

BitGoals is a platform that connects users to all games through a simple platform that allows users to bet indefinitely, this can make BitGoals a very efficient betting platform.

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author : Drautos



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