SIDERA – wearing the future

semoga hari anda menyenangkan para pembaca yang saya hormati, hari ini saya mendapatkan proyek yang menjanjikan setelah seharian mencari. Bukan hal yang mudah untuk menemukan proyek yang bagus, tentu saja perlu adana keahlian dalam menelusuri latarbelakang dari team dan visi misi proyek. Dari berbagai penelusuran, saya tertarik untuk mengulas tentang proyek Sidera. Sidera adalah platform khusus yang dibuat untuk pengguna cryptocurrency yang mana dimungkinkan menggunakan toko POS untuk menggunakan  use smartwatch dan contactless smartband.  Ini tentu saja teknologi pertama dari blockchain yang didesentralisasi menggunakan Fitur yang rumit dan unik dari perangkat Wearable Cider.

Sebagai permulaan, Sidera menggunakan jaringan yang insentif  untuk partisipan, dan penyediaaan Free Hardware untuk toko ritel di eropa. Para pengguna akan diberikan pentujuk untuk berpartisipasi dalam jaringan sidera sehingga para pengguna mendapatkan kenyamanan dan kemudahan dalam aksesibilitas penggunaan, serta kenyamanan pembayaran melalui perangkat seluler dan smartwatch (jam tanga pintar). Global measured dan fully decentralized-BitSmart adalah dompet perangkat keras yang dapat digunakan dengan mudah dipergelangan tangan Anda dan sepenuhnya terdesentralisasi dan dijamin oleh blockchain.

Berbagai Macam Fitur Ekstra yang bisa dinikmati:

Fitur ekstrra unik yang tersedia perangkat wearable ini yakni deteksi alamat transaksi otomatis, notifikasi, mode Ghost , pemberitahuan harga, QR bar code generators, transaksi dan masih banyak lagi. Selain itu dengan penambahan bitsmart software anda dapat mendapatkan berita cuaca, berita terbaru dan yang paling menarik anda dapat berdagang menggunakan perangat ini, sehingga perangkat yang dikembangkan sidera ini tidaklah hanya bisa digunakan untuk hal yang biasa-biasa saja seperti mengakses media social dan chatting. Bitsmart software akan dirilis open source, artinya akan dapat dikembangkan oleh suatu komunitas guna menambahkan fitur baru yang diinginkan.

Transaksi Offline yang mudah, cukup dengan pergelangan tangan anda :

smartwatch ini mempunyai sendor proximity yang akan dapat menghubungkan dengan perangkat Bitsmart lainnya menggunakan via Bluetooth atau Wifi dengan jarak tertentu. Hal ini akan dapat memudahkan pengguna untuk bertransaksi dengan mendekatkan pergelangan tangan tangan pengirim dan penerima, ini sungguh keren bila dibayangkan. Anda juga  bisa melakukan transaksi cryptocurrency secara OFF-CHAIN dengan cara terdesentraliasi sepenuhnya bahkan tanpa aplikasi pihak ketiga lainnya.

Dompet Bitcoin atau ERC20 – anda bisa menyimpan Bitvoin dan ERC20  pada wallet OFF-CHAIN pada perangkat Wearable di pergelangan tangan anda. tentunya sangat aman ssebab wearrable ini menggunakan kemanan enkripsi multi-layer tingkat milited yang tidak akan bisa di bobol.

dan masih banyak yang belum sempat saya ulas disini, namun untuk meyakinkan anda bahwa teknologi ini dapat sangat membantu anda dalam era digital yang canggih ini yang bahkan setiap harinya berkembang teknologi yang bermanfaat.

oke, Saya akan kembali fokus pada proyek ICO ini, dari sudut pandang saya, saya tahu sudah waktunya membahas investasi.


Goal of $ 15,000,000 USD

Target 15,000,000 USD

51,000,000 of Token ERC20 eQUOS

1 USD = 0.5 eQUOS


SOFT CAP: 1,500,000 USD

HARD CAP: 15,000,000 USD



untuk informasi yang lebih lengkap anda dapat mengakses dibawah ini:



author : Drautos <bitcointalk>

Image result for cafecoin

Since Bitcoin are first-generation cryptocurrency be the premiere of the all cryptocurrencies, many even thousands of coin or token present to offer solutions and improve the idea of decentralization as one of the unique features of bitcoin. Although there is a slight excess of a coin or token other than the bitcoin, coins and tokens that have not fully have a role and status in the buying and selling activities, mortar or another to legal tender.

Most crypto coins have played a role and can dominate in trade as a separate class of speculative digital assets that are very easy to change, even though there are already many crypto coin ATMs, hardware wallets, consumer marketing. This certainly makes it very difficult to become an alternative currency in replacing the role of fiat currencies in order to make payments in online and offline stores. In fact, there is not much crypto is only stored as little as gold or other collection items can be used as an exchange rate and a daily commercial transaction that is fun, such as packing snacks and a cup of coffee.

There have been many efforts made by the Tether project to solve the volatility problem, but the lack of Tether does not have all the benefits and needs that allow consumers and consumers to be accepted as payment units in daily transactions. Not only that, there is no incentive for users to apply it in everyday simple and commercial activities.

Of the various problems faced by Tether are no more still in the reasons why Tether and other cryptocurrency is not effective for mass adoption in daily transactions:

  • A relatively long time so the user will wait and not be happy because of that.
  • Users also need a non-trivial technical understanding that makes it not easily accessible to everyone.
  • High transaction and exchange fees.
  • Limited adoption by traders and consumers
  • The absence of potential price increases so that price volatility cannot be ascertained.

In this decade, cryptocurrency still has limited functions in real-world activities. Therefore, there was a decline in the commercial value of crypto coins in a number of cases of their use. Even if it is equated with the growth of the cellular payment industry that continues to be achieved and enjoys global growth and mass adoption, it is certainly the opposite.
in the current generation, young people prefer things that are light, easy and sophisticated, they prefer digital exchange media such as apple pay, Paypal, Venmo, Alipay and UnionPay that are copied such as credit cards, debit cards and cash. All of these payment media require a number of financial intermediary interactions and therefore arguably have no benefits and efficiency created from distributed ledger technology (DLT). 

Solution of The CafeCoin
Cafecoin foundation offers a system that is able to meet global user demand for mass market-oriented cryptocurrency that will provide solutions to all fundamental problems and reasons (some of which have already been said above) for broad commercial use that makes crypto achieve mass adoption.
Cafecoin will have a strategy in the following ways:
  • Building Corporate Relations: CafeCoin will offer incentives for consumer and merchant adoption, starting with high margin retail coffee shops.
  • Utilizing Innovative Payment Infrastructure: it is possible to achieve high real-time transaction volumes at very minimal costs in the market by utilizing blockchain technology,
  • Simplify the Payment Process: Access coin liquidity by utilizing an intuitive mobile application and an easy-to-use interface that operates independently or in conjunction with existing sales system points.
  • Giving Control & Customer Privacy: Customers will have control over historical payments in the block which allows them to optionally share this information with merchants in return for promotions and discounts made instantly.

CafeCoin ICO Details

Token Name: CAFECOIN
Token Sale Date: July 1, 2018 – August 31, 2018
Total Tokens: 100,000,000 TOKENS
Hard Cap: $150M
Soft Cap: $30M
Token Supply: 40.5M
for more information, click below

author: Drautos <bitcointalk>

Argentas – Financial System

Argentas is a project based on the world-known technology of blockade which is certainly superior to a strong future. Argentas can be a sophisticated and efficient solution in the economy. A new era of global finance has arrived with the emergence of a second generation encryption platform. Argentas helped create a new global financial system.

This project was made for a very broad (global) goal, just like creating an open financial system. And also, Argentina has its own activities to identify important tasks, namely the transition from economic activities to blockages and the implementation of entirely new types of activities developed by the Argentas ecosystem, while similar projects are individual crypto currencies, such as tokens, mostly without use special and added value. As a result, ecosystem users will be able to make money and solve certain problems, added value.

Argentas presents the new architecture AOM AOM transforms global banks, payments and other financial services, converts these activities into an ecosystem driven by chains and creates financial operations. Senior and business. This is completely new in the cryptographic economy. AOM will expand banking and finance and, finally, bank accounts and banks will disappear in a chain of blockade.

The Argentas ecosystem will focus on the core of the HydraNet chain, the network interface and bridge organizations, and the ultimate distributed applications platform focused on global financial applications. Argentas has the potential to become a global financial overproduction.

The Argentas platform has a number of useful and interesting advantages that will pleasantly surprise you. Carefully read their list, perhaps they will become a decisive argument in the matter of participating in the project:

  • Pleasant user interface. We all know that a good visual makes it easier to use and makes leisure more pleasant on a subconscious, intuitive level.
  • Safe use. The project provides decentralized management, transparency, honesty, and, of course, data security to its participants, so users trust Argentas.
  • Fast, we can say, instant confirmation of ongoing operations. This will save your time and give you the opportunity to do important or pleasant things, such as hobbies.
  • Participants registered in the project at the initial stage, dawn of the project will be rewarded when the project is fully formed, and its activity and the number of participants.

Argentas provides fast, controlled, scalable and hierarchical block chain architecture services (private network interfaces and all objects make Hydra networks compatible with (HydraNet) by not reducing them periodically, the source of the connection between the network and distributors or other users of the Hydra Network is global dapp HydraNet is the maximum for the minimum transaction time and the final cost can be considered as super-hierarchy (fiat currency, electronic currency, gold and other assets and other valuables) and the value of the operator platform system, by replacing VISA / Mastercard and SWIFT with security, can replace it.This is a new and decentralized economy that provides access to the financial system for many people to distribute.

The ecosystem includes three key elements, such as:

  • Net – Hydranet is a blockage of Argentas, the main element of the ecosystem, using innovative technologies of the distributed ledger. This element facilitates the transactions you conduct in real time, making them free and fast. In the future, it is planned to develop applications of lightning network, which will increase the speed of payment processing and smart sharding, which reduces the network load.
  • Bridges – Due to this element, banks, exchanges, payment firms and other entities will gradually turn into network interfaces, and bank accounts will be placed in a network that will be a common bank.
  • Decentralized network applications Dapps – This element will generate added value through special technologies in the sphere of financial services. As a result, this element Dapps will replace some banking services, and also thanks to applications a separate newest financial ecosystem will be created.
AE supports each network dimension and self-generated ecosystems to consolidate the growth of each size: the number of network nodes, the volume of transactions (other major assets), the number and type of network and interfaces, the number of dapps and types different (for example,: Wallets also dapps) – increase the position and value of the network. The mutual benefit for the entire ecosystem can create a leading ecosystem in the global leader chain for global finance.
The name of the AXU token icon is Argentas. unit of exchange 
A total of one billion AXU issued
(modified: can no longer be published)
individual value of 100,000,000 AXU (maximum) total of 10% of the AXU of 600 million in
60% of the total
300,000,000 AXU
a total of 30 % (more for the development of)
Red Stella (for token)
accept money XLM (lumen)
The private price starts on May 8, 2018.
It ends the waiting time separate
day helmet 100 000 000
Special Price XLM = 2.5 AXU 1
(50% presale discount),
Public sales announcement for the third quarter of 2018 and higher offers for each card.The tokens are distributed to the crowd, unlike the original digital assets of the HydraNet chain that can only be launched when HydraNet is launched.


Development roadmap

for more Information visit below:


White paper:


Facebook: https: // www / /



Instagram: .io /

Argentas Theme ANN:

author : Drautos <bitcointalk>


Image result for DriveHolic DRVH Token

Hi beloved reader,

Have you ever counted every day how many new Blockchain based tokens are present in the market with real use cases, yep the answer is “a lot” every project has offers and advantages they offer. Of course this is confused. From those cool and interesting projects, I am interested in the DRVH Driveholic Token project, which is a blockchain based on peer to peer vehicle marketplace.

Secure Vehicle based marketplace 

(DriveHolic DRVH token review)

DriveHolic is a safe social market based on escrow, which means that buyers and sellers can carry out vehicle buying and selling activities and make connections through a very safe escrow system. At DriveHolic you can buy a car or sell a vehicle, of course using DRVH Cryptocurrency this leads the transaction players who have limited fiat currency and their geographical location. This led me to think that DriveHolic tokens provide solutions and connect the gap between buyers and sellers of vehicles that have problems dealing with other countries due to currencies, and the location and absence of a safe and transparent escrow system.

DRVH DriveHolic Token review

The DRVH team consists of professionals and experienced people with a good and proven track record; they are people with comprehensive experience in the car industry. With an experienced and professional team so that each token is run by an active community, a proactive team., a project is expected to succeed.

DriveHolic DRVH token – Outline of Social Vehicle marketplace

DRVH DriveHolic Drive makes it possible to make it easier for you to buy your dream car with crypto, yep you don’t read this wrong.

DriveHolic’s main goal is to create a blockchain peer to peer vehicle marketplace where buyers and sellers can use a common system to transact via cryptocurrency, so transactions can be done encrypted. This is a revolutionary platform that will change the car industry.

the point here is how decentralized social markets can make a revolution in the automotive Buy / Sell industry. DriveHolic provides a platform for you to use to be able to buy, sell, register new cars or auctions, it is available to the world and utilizes blockchain technology.

With a secure payment processing feature, you can pay with cryptocurrency and get the car you want with a low transaction fee. The concept of decentralization makes it a global platform without graphic constraints. This also eliminates intermediaries. It also combines social and trade interactions on one platform, before trading, you can interact with social media modules and get complete insights / product reviews.

In my opinion, the DRVH DriveHolic coin is a very good recommendation to investors because it is laid out a great foundation for a secure automotive marketplace which is empowered with Blockchain. So, you will get an easy, efficient and pleasant buying and selling experience through Driveholic DRVH tokens.

Why DriveHolic DRVH Vehicle Marketplace is mandatory? 

with the DRVH Blockchain system allows more features that make users comfortable and replace the limitations of classic systems that are still used in online vehicle trading. From that reason I assume that using the DRVH market is mandatory for vehicle traders.

  • Secure payments – transactions between buyers and sellers are safer now this is due to the use of smart contracts making them safer.
  • Low Transaction Fee / Low Cost – This eliminates intermediaries. In addition, if you trade with a DRVH token, it will be free for you. DRVH tokens generate low transaction costs.
  • Global payment system – You can pay for vehicles using DVRH cryptocurrency, Payments can be made via DVRH tokens that eliminate geographical limits that limit users.
  • Seamless and secure transactions –  with the application of the Blockchain Technology method is possible for greater transparency and security.
  • Better User experience-  There is no place to deal with cash payments and waste time. Thus, the overall user experience becomes easier and more enjoyable. Driveholic markets include social plus trade modules, where you can interact with other people and make trading decisions later on.
  • Ensure Transparency – with the Driveholic community, Users can get vehicle history, They are ready to confirm the history of each pair to make a transparent vehicle history report. So the market will also have a vehicle history tracking feature that is useful for buyers and trusts the seller of the vehicle.


The DRVH distribution is as follows
Image result for DriveHolic DRVH Token

specifications of DriveHolic DRVH Token Distribution 

DriveHolic team will distribute 900 Million DRVH tokens, They will going to airdrop 900 million tokens to Genesis snapshot addresses with more than EOS tokens with 1.1 ratio.
Token name- DriveHolic
Symbol name- DRVH token
Snapshot: Genesis
DriveHolic DRVH token Roadmap
The company already started his roadmap-

  • 2018 Quarter 1- Launch a social networking platform
  • 2018 Quarter 2- Bounty Live
  • 2018 Quarter 3- Airdrop
  • 2018 Quarter 4- Launch marketplace
  • 2019 Quarter 1- Launch marketplace
How to buy DriveHolic DRVH Token?

In order to buy this DRVH token, you need to connect with the company, you need to check the website here- DriveHolic DRVH or here-

author ; Drautos (bitcointalk) – eth : 0x1C46ba82f52b10466f40C97d76582E0e6c9A3614

DAEX PARQ – A Green, Smart and Connected City Platform

By utilizing Blockhain Ethereum, IOTA Tangle and PARQ Utility Tokens themselves, Parksen comes as a green, smart and connected cyti platform that is easy to apply and can be accessed with public APIK and runs optimally in existing parking cloud parking. Parksen will offer smart solutions and contacts that directly greatly benefit the broad spectrum of stakeholders in metropolitan cities and small towns.

who would have thought that parking a car could be a thief of valuable assets that could be owned by each individual for example. Most of the time when we go to a place, the most troubling thing is to find a parking space, of course this is very time consuming. In one study, the estimated average time spent finding a parking space is 7-10 minutes. In some cases even up to 20 minutes. Suppose the driver carries his car five times a month, and let’s say every parking takes 10 minutes. Then there will be 600 minutes every year, 10 hours of wasted time looking for a parking

In addition to cutting our time, car parking is pollution and traffic. The main reference for this is a paper by Prof. Donald Shoup from UCLA (you can read abstract articles here). This is a large number in the industry, because it estimates that 30% of traffic in US cities is due to cars looking for parking. 30% is now a car parking vehicle when cities and various other countries’ traffic. Especially in Europe. And of course, more pollution. When you go around looking for available parking, your car’s CO2 emissions can be higher if you can move to another place and switch to what’s on the next day. In France, for example, it is estimated that car parking posts for around 14% of Greenhouse Gases are promoted every year.

From my price above, you could say parking is important, because people are willing to spend a lot of time and make more pollution. From this reason, you can use a solution that allows you to save energy and increase the ability to save time and of course by using this service only for parking. Parksen services are real-time parksen parking applications where simple MVP already exists – and a green, smart and connected city platform. By using the Ethereum blockchain, smart contracts, universal ledgers and various IoT devices, Parksen will create a truly intelligent and sustainable urban development platform. With the data collected, Parksen will be able to reduce the level of traffic congestion and frequency that continues to increase in big cities and small cities. The Parksen parking application will use the same data to guide drivers to affordable places, meanwhile for cities, parking garages, companies, and other users of the City Platform can use data to improve their own infrastructure.

Core Features

Green, Smart & Connected City Platform

The Parksen City Platform comes with a universal dashboard that tracks congestion, pollution, usage and condition of parking spots, status of connected IoT devices and sensors. It also includes a marketplace for green and smart appliances.

Cloud Solution

The Parksen goal is to connect municipalities and compa – nies to consumers and garages. O ering a one-size-fits all, easily adoptable and cloud-ba – sed platform, we ensure that these institutes do not have to depend on expensive third-party softand hardware updates.

Real-time Parking App

The Parksen parking app is made for drivers, and it allows them to reserve and pay for parking ahead of time, thus limiting their search and emotional duress. The app also shows them the fasted route to their destination and o ers real-time information on local congestion.

The PARQ token

The Parksen own special token, usable in the app to pay and receive payment for parking actions, and also in the dashboard and marketplace to pay and receive payment for hardand software that will help your city, company or garage contribute to greener cities.

Token SalesImage result for PARQ token

Token PARQ
PreICO Price 1 PARQ = 0.07 USD
Price 1 PARQ = 0.08 USD
Bounty Available
Platform Ethereum
Accepting ETH, BTC, Fiat
Soft cap 15,000,000 PARQ
Hard cap 19,500,000 USD
Country Netherlands
Whitelist/KYC KYC
Restricted areas Myanmar, North Korea, Afghanistan, Congo, Eritrea, Iran, Lybia, Mali, Somalia, Syria, Zambia, YemenFor more information about PARQ, you can send message to
or you can click below for more information:
drautos bitcointalk

Bitdepositary – The World’s First Ultra-Secure Q.Ratio Market ICO

Image result for Bitdepositary

Hi beloved reader ..

Well, we know that not a few people experience fraud in participating in an ICO project, in some cases get nothing or lose money because the project that was carried out failed to reach the target which resulted in the investor not getting a specified appointment. Not only that, from various ideas owned by ICO, sometimes they have similarities from other ICOs. This, of course, confuses investors. The same idea in ICO might potentially fail to meet the target. This makes investors sometimes do not know whether their investment is in the right company or not. From some of the problems that I convey, we cannot say that all ICOs are doubtful and inconclusive.

An ICO to be able to achieve its target requires the existence of uniqueness that supports the project being developed, this is of course an issue for project makers and supporters. The problems they face start from developing platforms that have benefits and lack of fraud (secure and safe). In solving this problem Bitdepositary helps maximize ICOs and supporters in ICO project promotion.


Bitdepositary Platform

With plans to be placed on the blockchain network, the Bitdepositary platform will develop a Salesforce platform. The Bitdepositary platform aims to prevent fraud that often occurs in the ICO market and prevent investors from making mistakes.
Here are the services or beneficial features that Bitdeopsitary has:
  • Prevent Token Theft
Bitdepository develops software platforms that are administrative. By using highly intelligent and sophisticated technology Bitdepository has reliable security handling. A very unique system that is certified by TU Rheinland is implemented using Salesforce, which is completely powered by the German Server, of course with smart security features. On any payment and token sales transaction either to the Project Manager or token buyers will go through this server. Bitdepositiry offers transparency to all investors and users.
  •  Stop Fraud
the Bitdepositary team will ensure that users must pass the following criteria:
  1. Experience
  2. Membership Duration
  3. Return on investment in certain projects
  4. Invest during different phases
  5. Positive Activities
With advanced criteria and platforms developed with a unique algorithm developed by Bitdepositary, there is almost no fraud in the ICO project on the Bitdepositary
Fraud can be very easy in the Cryptocurrency Market. victims for fraudsters usually from investors and token buyers who are less experienced and lacking insight into ICOs and vendors. With gaps that can be easily exploited by fraudsters, the Bitdepositary Platform has expert consulting services. This can help users to consult good investments in the right ICO project. That way, each particular project leader must go through a verified and rigorous verification process.
Image result for Bitdepositary
  • Tax Consultants and lawyers
In taking action on a decision taken by an investor, the investor’s decision will be reviewed by professional and experienced consultants and legal experts. Then, the results of the review will be used on the Bitdepositary platform to be given directly to each investor account and platform users.
  • Prevent Mistakes in Investing
Mistakes in investing are often done by less experienced investors, therefore on the Bitdepositary platform, novice investors can follow other users who are more reliable and experienced. This feature is very useful because it can help novice investors to avoid mistakes.
In developing a platform that supports the success of the project, there are several more points that Bitdepositary will develop:
  • Integrated payment solution with credit card.
  • Multi-wallet (wallet) and tokens from successful ICOs.
  • Users have the option to invest in various currencies in future projects.
  • Direct investment in ICO using Bitdepositary wallet solution.
  • Cash withdrawal up to 10,000 EUR per day at a cost of 1.2.

#or you can watch the videos here

Why is the Blockchain network used by
With security features that are already recognized and proven, in distributing digital assets Blockchain is a very strong network. With the idea of the Bitdepositary Platform and the security of Blockchain, the Bitdepositary platform will utilize Blockchain technology as a core business model. This is very good for the Bitdepositary platform.

ICO Project Submission

  • voting system
To state that the ICO project can be trusted and true, the company must go through a voting process. By holding a vote, it is hoped that it can reduce the existence of projects that are not known to develop, because projects like that will become problems such as fraud and embezzlement of funds. Community users and participating users have the option to choose YES or No. In this activity, the project maker must issue a number of tokens for prizes to users who choose or not on the project presented.
If the ICO receives a vote of 55% or more than all points, it is said to be successful in entering the Bitdepositary platform. If it fails all funds will be returned to the project maker.
for more Information
Click Below:

-Website — Whitepaper

-Telegram — Twitter — Facebook — Bounty — Linkedin –

author :drautos


BitGoal – one token for all sport

Image result for bitgoals

Many things become a problem in the sports arena. At present, the level of competition between fans of global sports is very low. In addition, competition for providers of services that are easily accessible and easy to use that are secure, transparent and fair to professional sports gamblers and casual sports are very few. Users who do not believe in the traditional sportsbook segment make users use services from shadow betting organizations or brokers. Players lose their money by becoming victims of this unfair ecosystem, even though they are potentially dictated by the bookmakers. This problem has not yet got a solution at this time, especially the problem of trust and costs. To revolutionize the sports arena, BitGoals became an important role in revolutionizing this.

Bitgoals is a blockchain and cryptocurrency based platform that will set the standard in the first sport. With a professional team, BitGoals can provide incentives for the sports industry. the most interesting thing and giving away from other similar platforms is that BitGoals can be a means of considering players in the industry who can collaborate well and harmoniously and share information and revenues. 

In the BitoGoals platform you will be presented with a sportsbook that is easy to use, secure and transparent with the aim of users being able to participate in activities regarding sports managed by professionals by cryptographically verifiable code. 

Some problems such as lack of data storage, long payments, high fees, long registration, and limits on the number of bets make BitGoals and STP (Sport Token Protocol) present to eliminate the problem. The Bitgoals platform has no fees charged to users regarding STP tokens (Sports Token Protocol). STP tokens can be used by users to place their bets, buy tickets, items or other features. In the BitGoals Platform you will be very easy to access and conduct sports betting, gambling and get offers provided by Bitgoals. This is because BitGoals uses the one-window (all-in-one) function as a platform. In essence, the STP token can be used by users on the Bitgoals platform as a betting currency, as a gaming and forms of payment. And get rewarded with STP.

The BitGoals platform has the advantages that you can enjoy:

  • Unlimited use of funds
  • Payments are almost instant
  • Guaranteed and professional security
  • Elimination of fraud risk
  • Speedy jackpot generation process
  • Registration is very easy to participate in the draw games, because everything can start with a single log in.

BitGoals is a platform that connects users to all games through a simple platform that allows users to bet indefinitely, this can make BitGoals a very efficient betting platform.

for more Information 

click below:







author : Drautos



Quras – A decentralized smart contract platform for clouds and IoT

Image result for Quras

In this all-modern and easy era, most organizations are beginning to improve their operations using sophisticated technology, of course the main thing is to improve their security. in some industries in the US example only, using large data to keep records of their customers. Customer records that are carelessly removed can result in errors in service or so on. In this case, there needs to be a platform that can ensure that the data is in good and safe condition. Quras, provides reliable and secure data storage services. With Quras, company or organization data will be safe and secure because data is permanently listened to.

The QURAS platform is created by professional teams in the Knowledge of blockchain, so the Quras platform can be ascertained as a safe and secure secure platform that users can use to share data between IoT gadgets for crypto-tokens and smart contracts. QURAS can also be used individually who wants to save data or use QURAS tokens. QURAS applies a broad spectrum of IoT tools and applications, so it can reach various aspects such as household appliances or other equipment, education, audit programs, and loyalty card programs. With a unique and different concept, of course from other platforms, Quras is present to check and process large data from various incoming domains, healthcare, accounting, online storage,  and many more.

Related image


QURAS Tokens are tokens that are functional for the use of the QURAS platform and to pay compensation. The QURAS platform and QURAS coins are not for investment or temporary business. Although the QURAS coin has an uncertain value Just like a common currency that can go up and down, the QURAS coin owner will have the privileges determined by QURAS. in using the QURAS Coins it is intended to be held or used by groups or individuals who are experienced and knowledgeable in deeper blockchain, especially regarding cryptography, their use and activities to obtain services and privileges provided by QURAS or the QURASchain Platform.

  • Coin sale and its features

When users use the QURASchain platform such as using P2P chat, real trading, social functions, users will get QURAS coins. So that the coin can be used and transferred by the user. In the case of providing compensation to several contributing parties in helping the community such as doctors and patients handled, the decentralized QURAS Platform (QURAS coins that use a decentralized platform) compensates those who contribute.


QURAS uses the latest and most sophisticated technology to ensure user privacy remains safe and secure. With the Tor system and zero knowledge proof applied in QURAS, it can guarantee the privacy and security of customer data. This certainly allows users to complete secrecy when transacting and communicating this is an advantage for users who get the level of protection and control of their assets


With the combination of blockchain and DAG protocol, transactions are faster and incorruptible. With the existence of Iot, QURAS is very ready to become a very large line of connection flow from a number of very large data and then flow to a very secure and anonymous communication network.


why do you need to pay attention to QURAS to invest?

The application of Quras will reduce the price of storage platforms to become cost-effective and provide the largest space for large data storage and checking. Qurascoin which has a dispersed cloud storeroom  platforms for customers to set aside space on their hard drives to other groups or individuals.

With QURAS and the technology that QURAS uses, you will be guaranteed to get secure, safe and encrypted cloud storage. Users can use Drive-share and MetaDisk applications to rent out their free space on their hard drive to the QURAS system. QURAS’s role can be a substitute for cloud storage systems in general, such as Google Drive or Dropbox. For some companies such as hospitals, health care, insurance and so on can use the QURAS platform where subscription databases, health records, can be stored permanently on the network.

for more invormation

visit below:



author : Drautos



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Blinked is the first social media platform to provide 90 percent of advertising revenue to users through the Blinked decentralized social media model. With innovations and unique offers for users, Blinked uses new technology and can make it easier for users to operate. Blinked is a professional social media platform that is made with innovations in blockchain technology by integrating Blinked crypto features (BLKD) that allow users to get paid for their recommendations and to experience digital advertising. 


The function of Blinked is to improve the way users find what they recommend by choosing who to follow. although this method is the same as the concept of other social media, users will be paid for their recommendations and content on Blinked. The most interesting thing, which makes Blinked different from the commonly used social media. In addition, Blinked is a Social Media Platform for Recommendations Where Users Share in Up to 90 Percent of Advertising Revenue. On Blinked, users will get paid to see digital ads in various ways. The interesting thing here is that 90 percent of all advertising revenue on blinked will be allocated to users for their activities on the platform. those fantastic offers that you might not even find on other similar platforms. and many more offers that Blinked had.

In an effort to improve technology and more professional services and encourage participation in the Blinked ecosystem, Blinked launched an Initial Coin Offering (ICO) which you can follow. This is certainly an opportunity for investors. or, you can join the bounty campaign held by Blinked. this of course you will get rewards in return for participating in a bounty campaign.

About Token

The Blinked (BLKD) token shall be used to:

  • serve as the entry token for users that will fund the Blinked platform.
  • serve as the staking token for users worldwide to claim an administrative role in their territory.
  • serve as the buy-in token with which advertisers will engage users.
  • convert to the Blinked reward chip, Blinked Gold (BGZD) for the purpose of compensating users for their engagement on the Blinked platform.
  • serve as the exchangeable ambassador token that will allow for the stabilization of the Blinked reward chip, Blinked Gold (BGZD).

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Author : Drautos

Opu – Tokenizing Skincare Intelligence

Image result for Opu: Tokenizing Skincare Intelligence

Hi beloved reader. we need to know, live in this very sophisticated technology. A lot of improvement from everything from technology, works and even trivial things that help us every day. All of that happens because to facilitate our lives, it’s just that there are still many that have not been touched by the public as well as technology that makes it easy to do business just example blockchain.

The owners of the platform began using this technology as a means of increasing convenience, giving users a very unique offer and more. This is certainly beneficial for users, especially because it can take advantage and some other things that are useful for platform users. One very popular platform that uses this blochain technology is “Opu  Labs“.

Opu Labs is a popular platform for skin care professionals for their patients. The Opu Labs platform is here to replace the skin care system that is felt to be unable to provide the desired thing. One of the benefits of Opu Labs is that professional skin doctors can get various patients through this platform, so they can maximize their role and skills with this platform.

In order to fulfill the satisfaction of various types of patients with various problems, this platform uses the latest technology for efficiency and professional services globally for patients around the world.

Image result for Opu labs

Opu Labs’ mission is to improve how the global skincare industry exchanges data, information, and rewards in a way that benefits patients, dermatologists, treatment centers, brand specialists, and product manufacturers. To realize the Opu Labs mission, the Opu Labs team built a platform technology-based blockchain. It starts with a cellular skin care application and a token-based ecosystem that will reward users. In an effort to improve Opu Labs technology and encourage participation in the Opu Labs ecosystem, Opu Labs launched an Initial Coin Offering (ICO) in July 2018.



The Token System

With the Opu tokens (tokken original Opu Labs) which is actually an ERC-223 token that is supported by Ethereum. Ethereum is increasingly popular due to the very high user ratings worldwide. The Opu Labs platform uses ERC-233 tokens, in Opu Labs Token Opu is used in all payment methods.


The community will increase Opu’s token or coin request so that it will grow. This platform has a high chance to form large and strong communities with people throughout the world.

This certainly makes Token Opu attractive to people around the world. So that people can join the promising Opu Labs ICO from other platforms.

From the mission of Opu Labs above, the first target is the skin care industry. as we know the level of industry fragmentation is very high. With all the ideas of Opu Labs, Opu Labs is trying to provide the best solution to improve the skin care industry. Ethereum network based on blockchain technology used in this platform, certainly makes the platform better so platform users can get high-quality services because of the blockchain technology.

Other than that, new users get extra benefits from this platform. They will get a lot of rewards for contributing to the platform. By sharing ideas, solutions, experiences etc they will get bonus tokens. Platform users will get many benefits and professional services globally.

Opu Labs provides recommendations that are completely honest. This helps users find good ideas about platforms or services. With 24 active services for a week, patients no longer need to wait and visit professional doctors who take a lot of time. They just sit at home and get advice and solutions to their complaints.

well, for those of you who hunt for Airdrop Opu Labs, Opu Labs also has an Opudrop program and of course you can follow.


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author : Drautos
